Jack Garrett Ford, Jack Garrett Ii
Auto Repair Service |753801 - Automobile Repairing & Service
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Phone: (304) 927-2490
Ripley Rd, Spencer, West Virginia 25276
Business Name:Jack Garrett Ford
Contact Person:Jack Garrett Ii
Address:Ripley Rd
Spencer, West Virginia 25276
Office Phone:(304) 927-2490
Office Fax:(304) 927-2492
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:20
Industrial Classification(SIC):753801 - Automobile Repairing & Service
Occupation:Auto Repair Service

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The office address of Jack Garrett Ford is Ripley Rd Spencer, West Virginia. Jack Garrett Ii is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Jack Garrett Ford at (304) 927-2490 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Jack Garrett Ii know that you know the business and get the phone number from myCarPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Jack Garrett Ford is 753801 - Automobile Repairing & Service. An automobile repair shop (also called garage) is a place where automobiles are repaired by auto mechanics and electricians. Some auto parts stores also maintain service operations. Some auto repair stores are independently owned and operated, some are the service departments of car dealerships, others are regional or national chains and franchises.

Its estimated number of employees is 20. Its office number is (304) 927-2490. Its fax number is (304) 927-2492. Jack Garrett Ford does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more auto repair services near Spencer, West Virginia before choosing your Auto Repair Service. Following are some auto repair services in the state of West Virginia we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Dana Byrd Automotive, Dana Byrd
Call Dana Byrd now: (304) 346-2681
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2. Lester Raines Honda, Lester Raines
Call Lester Raines now: (304) 768-1251
111 Maccorkle Ave SW Charleston, WV 25303
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3. Appalachian Tire Products Inc, Willard Barnhouse
Call Willard Barnhouse now: (304) 343-9541
27 Clendenin St Charleston, WV 25301
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4. Midas Auto Services Experts, Gary Armacost
Call Gary Armacost now: (304) 485-7524
3200 Murdoch Ave Parkersburg, WV 26101
Distance: 36.57 miles
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Parkersburg, WV
5. National Muffler Services, Joe R Ambrose
Call Joe R Ambrose now: (304) 422-2642
1320 7th St Parkersburg, WV 26101
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Parkersburg, WV

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