Car Audio Depot, Randy Leibenson
Auto Supply |553114 - Automobile Radio & Stereo Systs-Sls/Svc
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (209) 523-7042
3012 Mchenry Ave # A, Modesto, California 95350-1448
Business Name:Car Audio Depot
Contact Person:Randy Leibenson
Address:3012 Mchenry Ave # A
Modesto, California 95350-1448
Office Phone:(209) 523-7042
Office Fax:(209) 523-7063
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:15
Industrial Classification(SIC):553114 - Automobile Radio & Stereo Systs-Sls/Svc
Occupation:Auto Supply

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Customer Reviews

- Avital Alarm System Installation - - Anonymous user - 9/26/2014 - comment
I called Car Audio Depot for an alarm system quote, and spoke to Ron. He sold me an Avital system installed the next day. As I started my car after the job was done, it made a loud noise until I removed it from "park" mode. The noise continued and I called their store and then drove to their store to have it checked out. The salesman came out and stated as did the employee by phone, who wouldn't give his name, that the issue had nothing to do with their installation. When I drove the car over to Modesto have them check their work, knowing that it MOST LIKEY WAS CONNECTED TO THE INSTALLATION--they simply said that it could not be from their installation and it sounded like my starter! The noise got progressively worse daily and I took it to my very reputable auto mechanic shop in business for decades, and they confirmed that someone connected an alarm wire to the starter wiring under the dash and that it caused the starter to stay engaged continually, which could cause starter damage. The mechanics disengaged that wire and my car now functions as it should. Auto Depot manager "Ron" was disrespectful and would not listen to me, but continued to interrupt me, and appeared to be lacking in professionalism, to say the least. I asked to speak to the owner, and Ron stated that he was not available, after he told me that he was on site. Called back, asking for name of other owner and advised he is a "silent partner" and that owner Randy is now at the bank--he would be given the message to call me. What kind of a company is this? Stay tuned, folks. to find out the character of Car Audio Depot.

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The office address of Car Audio Depot is 3012 Mchenry Ave # A Modesto, California. Randy Leibenson is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Car Audio Depot at (209) 523-7042 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Randy Leibenson know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Car Audio Depot is 553114 - Automobile Radio & Stereo Systs-Sls/Svc. Auto supply stores are primarily engaged in the retail sale of new or used automobile tires, batteries, and other automobile parts and accessories. Some stores both sell and install automotive parts such as transmissions, mufflers, brake linings, and glass.

Its estimated number of employees is 15. Its office number is (209) 523-7042. Its fax number is (209) 523-7063. Car Audio Depot does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more auto supplys near Modesto, California before choosing your Auto Supply. Following are some auto supplys in the state of California we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. A & R Tires & Wheels, Adlina Quintanar
Call Adlina Quintanar now: (209) 529-2380
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2. Big O Tires, Alan White
Call Alan White now: (209) 524-2446
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3. Express Auto Center, Antino Gomez
Call Antino Gomez now: (209) 527-2888
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4. Autozone, Armando Arviso
Call Armando Arviso now: (209) 530-0294
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5. Bernies Performance & ACC, Bernies Brown
Call Bernies Brown now: (209) 604-5926
3012 Gibson Way Modesto, CA 95354-4147
(209) 604-5926
Modesto, CA

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