Pep Boys, Shilo Ward
Auto Supply |553101 - Ret Auto Supplies
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (801) 972-5550
2040 W 3500 S, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119-3440
Business Name:Pep Boys
Contact Person:Shilo Ward
Address:2040 W 3500 S
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119-3440
Office Phone:(801) 972-5550
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:Unavailable
Industrial Classification(SIC):553101 - Ret Auto Supplies
Occupation:Auto Supply

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Customer Reviews

- Parts inventory issues - - JK - 6/19/2014 - comment
I went in for a manual fuel pump. It came with no fittings. They sold me a fitting they said was correct and told me to go to Ace hardware for the other fitting (I ended up finding it at Lowes). I get the pump installed, of course the last piece to go in is the fitting they sold me. It turned out that I needed a 3/8 and they sold me a 5/16. I went back and they did not have one in stock. Tau of Orem store called the Sugarhouse store and they said that they had one and had put it on "his shelf". I was told to come in at noon the following day and it would be in Orem. I got to the store about 1 and they said it had not come in. Turned out that Sugarhouse had left a message for Tau that they did not actually have the part they said the nignt before that they had pulled for us. Tau called West Valley store and they said they put it on "the shelf" for the Orem store because they claimed they had 3 in stock. I was told to return at 4:10 to pick up the part. The driver finally showed up at about 6:15 PM. He did not have the part! They had forgot to pull the part and put it on "the shelf"! Tau has now ordered it from the main distribution center back east. It should be here Monday. Meanwhile, I have a leaking fuel pump and a truck I cannot use. I called the manager Rich in Sugarhouse and he claimed no such order was ever placed. But if that was the case, then why did his staff call Orem and leave a message for Tau for when he came on-shift to tell him that they were out of stock? By the time I got off the phone with Rich, West Valley's phone system said they were closed (that was 7:34 PM) so I cannot tell you what that manager's excuse is.

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The office address of Pep Boys is 2040 W 3500 S Salt Lake City, Utah. Shilo Ward is the owner or official contact person(Manager). Please call Pep Boys at (801) 972-5550 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Shilo Ward know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Pep Boys is 553101 - Ret Auto Supplies. Auto supply stores are primarily engaged in the retail sale of new or used automobile tires, batteries, and other automobile parts and accessories. Some stores both sell and install automotive parts such as transmissions, mufflers, brake linings, and glass.

Its estimated number of employees is Unavailable. Its office number is (801) 972-5550. . Pep Boys does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more auto supplys near Salt Lake City, Utah before choosing your Auto Supply. Following are some auto supplys in the state of Utah we pick for you based on your search preferences .

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3. Tire World Truck Tire Center, Andy Lister
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4. Primos Tires, Arturo Pacheco
Call Arturo Pacheco now: (801) 972-1855
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5. National Auto Process, Ayan Haddadin
Call Ayan Haddadin now: (801) 261-1331
5501 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84107-6030
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