412 Taxi, Fred Barry
Taxicab |412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service
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Phone: (541) 469-0840
15698 Highway 101 S, Brookings, Oregon 97415-8505
Business Name:412 Taxi
Contact Person:Fred Barry
Address:15698 Highway 101 S
Brookings, Oregon 97415-8505
Office Phone:(541) 469-0840
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:5
Industrial Classification(SIC):412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service

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The office address of 412 Taxi is 15698 Highway 101 S Brookings, Oregon. Fred Barry is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call 412 Taxi at (541) 469-0840 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Fred Barry know that you know the business and get the phone number from myCarPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of 412 Taxi is 412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service. A taxi (also known as taxicab or cab), is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. Taxi service is typically provided by automobiles, but human-powered or animal-powered vehicles or even boats are also used. The most common taxi car in the United States and Canada is the Ford Crown Victoria, as well as the Lincoln Town Car.

Its estimated number of employees is 5. Its office number is (541) 469-0840. . 412 Taxi does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more taxicabs near Brookings, Oregon before choosing your Taxicab. Following are some taxicabs in the state of Oregon we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Grants Pass Cab Services, Bob Baca
Call Bob Baca now: (541) 476-6444
406 Penny Ln Grants Pass, OR 97527-8918
Distance: 37.19 miles
(541) 476-6444
Grants Pass, OR
2. Rogue Taxi, Diane Lowry
Call Diane Lowry now: (541) 476-7773
600 SE 7th St Grants Pass, OR 97526-3167
Distance: 37.19 miles
(541) 476-7773
Grants Pass, OR
3. FMB Taxi,
Call now: (541) 660-1122
141 Westwood Dr Grants Pass, OR 97527-9236
Distance: 37.19 miles
(541) 660-1122
Grants Pass, OR
4. Caveman Cab, Jerry Bryan
Call Jerry Bryan now: (541) 476-7773
1439 Ne 6th St Grants Pass, OR 97526-1274
Distance: 37.19 miles
(541) 476-7773
Grants Pass, OR
5. Yellow Cab Of Southern Oregon, Craig Hollingsworth
Call Craig Hollingsworth now: (541) 772-6288
686 Rossanley Dr Medford, OR 97501-6613
Distance: 64.26 miles
(541) 772-6288
Medford, OR

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