Yellow Cab, Keith Wyckoff
Taxicab |412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (225) 926-6400
6057 Pino St, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806-1222
Business Name:Yellow Cab
Contact Person:Keith Wyckoff
Address:6057 Pino St
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806-1222
Office Phone:(225) 926-6400
Office Fax:(225) 927-0018
Office Email:-
Estimated Staff:11
Industrial Classification(SIC):412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service

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Customer Reviews

- Bad Ass Service! - - Drenicka Fisher - 8/30/2013 - comment
They ass never on time! They over charge you for one thing. When they swipe your card they try to get over by swiping it twice. Then you have to go thru loops and holes to get the money back. They rude when they answer the phone! Very slow and poor service. If you want to be on time for work or something and you call to schedule for a cab the previous day. They are still late coming get you and have the nerve to be rude and do so many fuckups! Don't call these people for a ride. They have a trailer trash man named keith that's the president and he is no better. He is s piece of scum that's for sure nit about his buisness. A poor ass excuse! Ugggh! Just unprofessional.

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The office address of Yellow Cab is 6057 Pino St Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Keith Wyckoff is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call Yellow Cab at (225) 926-6400 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Keith Wyckoff know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Yellow Cab is 412101 - Taxicabs & Transportation Service. A taxi (also known as taxicab or cab), is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. Taxi service is typically provided by automobiles, but human-powered or animal-powered vehicles or even boats are also used. The most common taxi car in the United States and Canada is the Ford Crown Victoria, as well as the Lincoln Town Car.

Its estimated number of employees is 11. Its office number is (225) 926-6400. Its fax number is (225) 927-0018. Yellow Cab has a web site at

You should talk to more taxicabs near Baton Rouge, Louisiana before choosing your Taxicab. Following are some taxicabs in the state of Louisiana we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Fini Cab Co, Ali Fini
Call Ali Fini now: (225) 802-4434
14124 Gravier Ave Baton Rouge, LA 70810-2144
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Baton Rouge, LA
2. Bayou Taxi,
Call now: (225) 274-0608
Baton Rouge, LA 70815-0000
(225) 274-0608
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3. Mackie's Airport Cab Services, Bennett Mackie
Call Bennett Mackie now: (225) 357-4883
6744 Dalark Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70812-1305
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Baton Rouge, LA
4. Freddie A's Taxi Services, Freddie Thomas
Call Freddie Thomas now: (225) 272-1900
11930 Forest Oaks Ct Baton Rouge, LA 70815-2325
(225) 272-1900
Baton Rouge, LA
5. AAA Taxi Cab, Hubert Bailey
Call Hubert Bailey now: (225) 357-2521
4266 Lorraine St Baton Rouge, LA 70805-2929
(225) 357-2521
Baton Rouge, LA

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