Mat Transportation, Mike Thompson
Trucking Company |421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight
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Phone: (541) 998-8955
29100 Hatton Ln, Junction City, Oregon 97448-9709
Business Name:Mat Transportation
Contact Person:Mike Thompson
Address:29100 Hatton Ln
Junction City, Oregon 97448-9709
Office Phone:(541) 998-8955
Office Fax:(541) 998-1544
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:15
Industrial Classification(SIC):421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight
Occupation:Trucking Company

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The office address of Mat Transportation is 29100 Hatton Ln Junction City, Oregon. Mike Thompson is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Mat Transportation at (541) 998-8955 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Mike Thompson know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Mat Transportation is 421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight. A trucking company ships goods or possessions by truck. Trucking companies that transport freight within a state are usually under the jurisdiction of the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Trucking companies whose vehicles cross state lines are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Highway Administration(FHA).

Its estimated number of employees is 15. Its office number is (541) 998-8955. Its fax number is (541) 998-1544. Mat Transportation does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more trucking companys near Junction City, Oregon before choosing your Trucking Company. Following are some trucking companys in the state of Oregon we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Altimeter, Alice Note
Call Alice Note now: (541) 284-1480
90504 Highway 99 N Eugene, OR 97402-9624
Distance: 14.5 miles
(541) 284-1480
Eugene, OR
2. Industrial Trucking, Alan Mayer
Call Alan Mayer now: (541) 343-0278
90939 Prairie Rd Eugene, OR 97402-9618
Distance: 14.5 miles
(541) 343-0278
Eugene, OR
3. Motor Cargo, Alan Dukes
Call Alan Dukes now: (541) 485-8891
32912 Roberts CT Eugene, OR 97408-9495
Distance: 14.5 miles
(541) 485-8891
Eugene, OR
4. USF Reddaway Inc, Bill Mahaffie
Call Bill Mahaffie now: (541) 342-1617
3500 W 1st Ave Eugene, OR 97402-5416
Distance: 14.5 miles
(541) 342-1617
Eugene, OR
5. Vail Northwest Inc, Billy Sue Etchison
Call Billy Sue Etchison now: (541) 746-1542
85331 Highway 99 S Eugene, OR 97405-9542
Distance: 14.5 miles
(541) 746-1542
Eugene, OR

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