Peter T Pfauth Inc, Peter T Fauth
Trucking Company |421308 - Trucking-Refrigerated
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (303) 289-2303
6000 E 58th Ave, Commerce City, Colorado 80022-3914
Business Name:Peter T Pfauth Inc
Contact Person:Peter T Fauth
Address:6000 E 58th Ave
Commerce City, Colorado 80022-3914
Office Phone:(303) 289-2303
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:4
Industrial Classification(SIC):421308 - Trucking-Refrigerated
Occupation:Trucking Company

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Customer Reviews

- Driver on road 49 Northbound at 4:30 pm on Thursday 09/29 - - Anonymous user - 9/29/2016 - comment
HI, The phone is out of service but I had to let you know. I was the third car behind your driver of trailer SCH U04. A red SUV tried to pass him/her in a construction zone on a DOUBLE YELLOW line!!! Your driver would not allow him to pass and drove into the oncoming traffic lane to prevent this idiot from passing him. Proceeding northbound a silver sedan did the same thng with a single yellow line in our lane. Your driver drove in the oncoming traffic lane to prevent THIS idiot from passing him but the silver car drove on the shoulder and kept driving! Back to the red SUV, at the Road 44 intersection everything is double yellow line and the space is approximately four lanes in width. The SUV went way to the left, in the oncoming traffic lane to pass this driver. The driver did try to prevent him from passing again but the red SUV was determined to pass. He continued to pass others in front of the truck driver. I could not see the driver's door until we were side by side at the road 49 / hightway 34 intersection. The truck was continuing North and I turned left for Westbound highway 34. I want to believe the driver did these maneuvers to prevent these idiots from causing a wreck!!!! I have never seen one driver do this before and I am in my sixties. IF ANYONE calls to complain about the driver, please take all this into consideration. I feel he was trying to prevent a tragic wreck and not being an irresponsible jerk who didn't want to be passed. Thank You!

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The office address of Peter T Pfauth Inc is 6000 E 58th Ave Commerce City, Colorado. Peter T Fauth is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Peter T Pfauth Inc at (303) 289-2303 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Peter T Fauth know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Peter T Pfauth Inc is 421308 - Trucking-Refrigerated. A trucking company ships goods or possessions by truck. Trucking companies that transport freight within a state are usually under the jurisdiction of the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Trucking companies whose vehicles cross state lines are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Highway Administration(FHA).

Its estimated number of employees is 4. Its office number is (303) 289-2303. . Peter T Pfauth Inc does not have a web site in our record.

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