Davis Trucking, Larry Davis
Trucking Operator |421203 - Livestock Hauling
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Phone: (641) 636-3706
401 S Hamilton St, Keota, Iowa 52248-9305
Business Name:Davis Trucking
Contact Person:Larry Davis
Address:401 S Hamilton St
Keota, Iowa 52248-9305
Office Phone:(641) 636-3706
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:2
Industrial Classification(SIC):421203 - Livestock Hauling
Occupation:Trucking Operator

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The office address of Davis Trucking is 401 S Hamilton St Keota, Iowa. Larry Davis is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Davis Trucking at (641) 636-3706 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Larry Davis know that you know the business and get the phone number from myCarPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Davis Trucking is 421203 - Livestock Hauling. Trucking operator often refers to small trucking companies that transport goods locally, under the jurisdiction of the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). According to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 864,490 people worked in the General Freight Trucking category as of May 2010. The annual average wage for workers in this category was $41,150.

Its estimated number of employees is 2. Its office number is (641) 636-3706. . Davis Trucking does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more trucking operators near Keota, Iowa before choosing your Trucking Operator. Following are some trucking operators in the state of Iowa we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Greenfield Farms Inc, Allen Beeler
Call Allen Beeler now: (319) 338-4767
336 N 7th Ave Iowa City, IA 52245-6004
Distance: 28.27 miles
(319) 338-4767
Iowa City, IA
2. Bob Smelser Trucking, Bob Smelser
Call Bob Smelser now: (319) 545-2243
3253 Jasper Ave NW Iowa City, IA 52240-9730
Distance: 28.27 miles
(319) 545-2243
Iowa City, IA
3. Bgi, Bob Guyer
Call Bob Guyer now: (319) 338-0260
1529 Prairie Du Chien Rd Iowa City, IA 52245-5617
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(319) 338-0260
Iowa City, IA
4. Carl Chadek Trucking Services, Carl Chadek
Call Carl Chadek now: (319) 338-8390
515 3rd Ave Iowa City, IA 52245-4512
Distance: 28.27 miles
(319) 338-8390
Iowa City, IA
5. Whateva We Can Deliva, Clark Mc Guire
Call Clark Mc Guire now: (319) 337-2860
411 Peterson St Iowa City, IA 52245-5149
Distance: 28.27 miles
(319) 337-2860
Iowa City, IA

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