Home > Wrecker Service > Iowa > Adel > Greenslade Towing

Greenslade Towing, James H Greenslade
Wrecker Service |754901 - Wrecker Service
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (515) 993-4053
2786 Fairground Rd, Adel, Iowa 50003
Business Name:Greenslade Towing
Contact Person:James H Greenslade
Address:2786 Fairground Rd
Adel, Iowa 50003
Office Phone:(515) 993-4053
Office Fax:(515) 993-6706
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:7
Industrial Classification(SIC):754901 - Wrecker Service
Occupation:Wrecker Service

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Customer Reviews

- Horrible experience - - Kay A - 5/21/2013 - comment
The "gentleman" that showed up for road side assistance was 45 minutes late. Didn't have anything to jump start my car and told me just to let him tow it because it is "already paid for, what do you care". I pay for roadside assistance monthly so no, in my opinion the tow is not free. He stood aside while my husband (whom at this point drove the hour to get to me)and I pulled a truck up and used my jumper cables to jump it. The "gentleman" stood aside watching, not offering to lift a finger. I called my roadside and asked them to cancel. I told the "gentleman" he wasn't getting paid, he looked like he was about to boil over with anger and was not leaving so i used a few choice words to run the worthless fool off. I could list several ways he could have provided better customer service (being on time, being equipped, doing what is morally right) but he only cared about his tow fee. BTW, it was in the high 80s that day and I am pregnant.

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The office address of Greenslade Towing is 2786 Fairground Rd Adel, Iowa. James H Greenslade is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Greenslade Towing at (515) 993-4053 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let James H Greenslade know that you know the business and get the phone number from myCarPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Greenslade Towing is 754901 - Wrecker Service. A wrecker (also known as a tow truck,) is a vehicle used to transport motor vehicles to another location (generally a repair garage), or to recover vehicles which are no longer on a drivable surface. A wrecker's yard (also called junkyard or salvage yard) is the location of a business where wrecked or decommissioned vehicles are dismantled. The vehicles' usable parts are sold for use in operating vehicles and the unusable metal parts are sold to metal-recycling companies.

Its estimated number of employees is 7. Its office number is (515) 993-4053. Its fax number is (515) 993-6706. Greenslade Towing does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more wrecker services near Adel, Iowa before choosing your Wrecker Service. Following are some wrecker services in the state of Iowa we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Lowell's Service, Dennis Helt
Call Dennis Helt now: (515) 255-2462
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2. Roy's Motor Services, Jim Burke
Call Jim Burke now: (515) 225-6088
155 S 13th St West Des Moines, IA 50265
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3. Bob's Towing Services, Bob Darling
Call Bob Darling now: (515) 262-5169
2742 E University Ave Des Moines, IA 50317
Distance: 22.34 miles
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Des Moines, IA
4. S & D Towing, Dalija Suljic
Call Dalija Suljic now: (515) 779-4969
3401 University Ave Des Moines, IA 50311
Distance: 22.34 miles
(515) 779-4969
Des Moines, IA
5. City Wide Towing, Darrell Beem
Call Darrell Beem now: (515) 287-6334
153 NE Broadway Ave Des Moines, IA 50313
Distance: 22.34 miles
(515) 287-6334
Des Moines, IA

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