Petrus Auto Sales, Benny Petrus
New Car Dealer |551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (870) 673-4602
607 S Park Ave, Stuttgart, Arkansas 72160-4533
Business Name:Petrus Auto Sales
Contact Person:Benny Petrus
Address:607 S Park Ave
Stuttgart, Arkansas 72160-4533
Office Phone:(870) 673-4602
Office Fax:(870) 673-6473
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:12
Industrial Classification(SIC):551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
Occupation:New Car Dealer

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Customer Reviews

- horrible! - - kristi - 6/12/2017 - comment
Such a disappointment! I drove from Hot Springs to look at Acadia I found on autotrader at a great price. I realize now why, I must replace all 4 tires 2 weeks after signing papers. I noticed shaking when I went over 55 mph. Took it to our local tire guy who informed me all tires were cracking on the tread. And being only 2 years old, this should not be happening. He advised me to call the dealership. I called & spoke with Jason who told me I would need to bring it in so their "tire guy" could look at it. Made the 2 hr drive on a Friday so the tire guy could look at them for 60 seconds. He decided it was just normal wear, however, they would need to be replaced within the year & to not replace it with the same kind of tires "because they aren't very good tires." The service manager balanced them & said that "should" take care of the shaking. So I left & made the 2 hour trip back home with my 5 year old in the car, sick to my stomach & praying the tire didn't separate while going down the interstate, all the while my car is still shaking. Got a call on Monday from the salesman, the owner is not going to do anything. I was so happy when I signed the papers on the car & really enjoyed the small town feel but within 2 weeks, my opinion of this small town dealer is they have about as much integrity as any other snake in the grass. I guess when you let a spoiled kid run a business, this is what happens. Will stick with Everett next time. They actually value their reputation & customer service after the sale.

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The office address of Petrus Auto Sales is 607 S Park Ave Stuttgart, Arkansas. Benny Petrus is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Petrus Auto Sales at (870) 673-4602 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Benny Petrus know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Petrus Auto Sales is 551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars. A new car dealership is a business that sells new cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker such as General Motor or Toyota. It employs automobile salespeople to do the selling and and automotive technicians to provide maintenance services. It also can stock and sell spare automobile parts, process warranty claims and provide financial services. New car dealerships can also sell used cars, and take in trade-ins and/or purchase used vehicles at auction.

Its estimated number of employees is 12. Its office number is (870) 673-4602. Its fax number is (870) 673-6473. Petrus Auto Sales does not have a web site in our record.

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Call Henry Trotter Jr now: (870) 535-4321
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3. Trotter Toyota, Henry Trotter
Call Henry Trotter now: (870) 534-7521
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4. Smart Chevrolet Cadillac Olds, Richard L Smart
Call Richard L Smart now: (870) 534-8122
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5. Motes Honda, Thomas Motes
Call Thomas Motes now: (870) 534-5006
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