Basil Ford, Charles Basil
New Car Dealer |551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
(1 rating, 1 comment)
Phone: (716) 893-1000
1540 Walden Ave, Buffalo, New York 14225-4997
Business Name:Basil Ford
Contact Person:Charles Basil
Address:1540 Walden Ave
Buffalo, New York 14225-4997
Office Phone:(716) 893-1000
Office Fax:(716) 897-3673
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:200
Industrial Classification(SIC):551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
Occupation:New Car Dealer

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Customer Reviews

- Customer Service - - Susan Follett - 6/30/2015 - comment
I bought a 2014 Ford Escape, kuddo's to Ford for a great SUV. I bought the rust proofing and molded mats for the front seats, super for Buffalo weather. I left the car on Thursday to be rust proofed and detailed, to be picked up Saturday morning. When I arrived on Saturday the rust proofing had been done. The car inside and rugs were dirty still with salt rings on the rugs. They wanted me to either come back for the detail, a 25 minute trip, or wait, which I chose the latter. Eric steamed cleaned the rugs, however no one seemed to know I purchased the mats. That I made sure was quickly resolved. But wait the rest of the car had not been touched, still dirty seats and console. Since there was a lost title on one of my trade in's I gladly paid the $65. Two days later the title was found . customer service had not submitted the paper work yet so told the owner of that veichle to sign the bottom over the phone. Yes you guessed it was signed in the wrong place making the title void. No refund for me. Why would you tell someone on the phone where to sign when there 2 spots to sign AND we were bringing in the found title. This should have been done at that time. Terrible detail and customer service. Beware and watch their every move.

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The office address of Basil Ford is 1540 Walden Ave Buffalo, New York. Charles Basil is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Basil Ford at (716) 893-1000 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Charles Basil know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Basil Ford is 551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars. A new car dealership is a business that sells new cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker such as General Motor or Toyota. It employs automobile salespeople to do the selling and and automotive technicians to provide maintenance services. It also can stock and sell spare automobile parts, process warranty claims and provide financial services. New car dealerships can also sell used cars, and take in trade-ins and/or purchase used vehicles at auction.

Its estimated number of employees is 200. Its office number is (716) 893-1000. Its fax number is (716) 897-3673. Basil Ford does not have a web site in our record.

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3. Jim Doyle's Ford Inc, Jim Doyle
Call Jim Doyle now: (716) 875-6100
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4. KANE Doyle Jeep Inc, Patrick Kane
Call Patrick Kane now: (716) 873-1097
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5. Paul Batt Buick Inc, Paul Batt
Call Paul Batt now: (716) 891-5595
1717 Walden Ave Buffalo, NY 14225-4957
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Buffalo, NY

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