Griffith Motors, David Griffith
New Car Dealer |551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
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Phone: (541) 296-2271
523 E 3rd St, The Dalles, Oregon 97058-2503
Business Name:Griffith Motors
Contact Person:David Griffith
Address:523 E 3rd St
The Dalles, Oregon 97058-2503
Office Phone:(541) 296-2271
Office Fax:(541) 296-1835
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:48
Industrial Classification(SIC):551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars
Occupation:New Car Dealer

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The office address of Griffith Motors is 523 E 3rd St The Dalles, Oregon. David Griffith is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Griffith Motors at (541) 296-2271 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let David Griffith know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Griffith Motors is 551102 - Automobile Dealers-New Cars. A new car dealership is a business that sells new cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker such as General Motor or Toyota. It employs automobile salespeople to do the selling and and automotive technicians to provide maintenance services. It also can stock and sell spare automobile parts, process warranty claims and provide financial services. New car dealerships can also sell used cars, and take in trade-ins and/or purchase used vehicles at auction.

Its estimated number of employees is 48. Its office number is (541) 296-2271. Its fax number is (541) 296-1835. Griffith Motors does not have a web site in our record.

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2. Bob Stone Freeway Auto Center, Bob Stone
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3. C H Urness Motor Co, Jerry Urness
Call Jerry Urness now: (541) 296-2284
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4. Gresham Ford Rent A Car, Bess Wills
Call Bess Wills now: (503) 665-0101
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5. Gresham Chrysler-Plymouth Inc, Clarence Parker
Call Clarence Parker now: (503) 665-7121
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