Everett Express Inc, Charles R Everett
Trucking Company |421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight
(2 ratings, 2 comments)
Phone: (757) 487-2575
3153 S Military Hwy, Chesapeake, Virginia 23323-4512
Business Name:Everett Express Inc
Contact Person:Charles R Everett
Address:3153 S Military Hwy
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323-4512
Office Phone:(757) 487-2575
Office Fax:(757) 487-5866
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:35
Industrial Classification(SIC):421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight
Occupation:Trucking Company

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Customer Reviews

- Everett Express Trucking - - Anonymous user - 4/27/2015 - comment
Debra Everett was married to one of the owners for 47 years and wants to know if she has any stock in the company. BTW, she knows about the forgery on the papers at the bank when Kenneth was in prison. Remember Mr. Falk stating that you all don't let the people at the bank know that Kenneth was in prison. Also, Wayne Boyette knew a lot of hush hush as well but kept silent.

- Everett Express Trucking - - Anonymous user - 8/1/2014 - comment
By the way, How can Kenneth Sr. get away scot free when his wife Debra has been in a homeless shelter for the past 6 years. She was suppose to receive $1000 a month while Kenny was in prison. What happen to that. She now has a good lawyer who will clean you out. Thank Morchower and Associate for this.

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The office address of Everett Express Inc is 3153 S Military Hwy Chesapeake, Virginia. Charles R Everett is the owner or official contact person(President). Please call Everett Express Inc at (757) 487-2575 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Charles R Everett know that you know the business and get the phone number from myCarPro.org.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Everett Express Inc is 421309 - Trucking-Motor Freight. A trucking company ships goods or possessions by truck. Trucking companies that transport freight within a state are usually under the jurisdiction of the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Trucking companies whose vehicles cross state lines are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Highway Administration(FHA).

Its estimated number of employees is 35. Its office number is (757) 487-2575. Its fax number is (757) 487-5866. Everett Express Inc does not have a web site in our record.

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1. Osprey Transport Inc, Andrew Jett
Call Andrew Jett now: (757) 547-8975
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2. C & E Med Transport Inc, Arthur Cross
Call Arthur Cross now: (757) 342-8152
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3. Eddie Roche's Transporting Inc, Bernard Roche
Call Bernard Roche now: (757) 487-6785
2415 Number Ten Ln Chesapeake, VA 23323-6337
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4. Roches Transporting Inc, Bernard Roche
Call Bernard Roche now: (757) 487-6785
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5. Huss Inc, Bill West
Call Bill West now: (757) 545-5064
1001 Buchanan St Chesapeake, VA 23324-2548
(757) 545-5064
Chesapeake, VA

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