Biller Hauling, Tim Biller
Trucking Operator |421299 - Local Trucking Operator
(1 rating, 2 comments)
Phone: (636) 671-0434
4102 Victoria Dr, House Springs, Missouri 63051-1633
Business Name:Biller Hauling
Contact Person:Tim Biller
Address:4102 Victoria Dr
House Springs, Missouri 63051-1633
Office Phone:(636) 671-0434
Office Fax:-
Office Email:-
Web Address:-
Estimated Staff:Unavailable
Industrial Classification(SIC):421299 - Local Trucking Operator
Occupation:Trucking Operator

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Customer Reviews

- Biller Hauling - - Linda H - 4/3/2015 - comment
Very prompt and courteous driver--( MIKE ) DO A QUICK EFFICIENT JIB ?????
     Cassie - 10/1/2019 - I called earlier today to speak with them about a rock flying off of their dump truck, and cracking my windshield. The man answered the phone by saying "Hello? What do you need?" I has to ask if I was speaking with someone from Biller Hauling. Very rude and unprofessional! He then told me to call back this evening, and hung up on me. When I called back this evening, he answered the phone in the same way as before. He then hung up after realizing who he was talking to, and now will not answer my calls. I have pictures of the truck, documentation of the location and time, pictures of the damage, and a witness. I was trying to resolve the issue directly with the company. Apparently their level of unprofessionalism is top notch! I will now be filing a police report! HORRIBLE COMPANY! I WILL ABSOLUTELY SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE I KNOW!

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The office address of Biller Hauling is 4102 Victoria Dr House Springs, Missouri. Tim Biller is the owner or official contact person(Owner). Please call Biller Hauling at (636) 671-0434 for more information about their services. We will appreciate if you let Tim Biller know that you know the business and get the phone number from

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Biller Hauling is 421299 - Local Trucking Operator. Trucking operator often refers to small trucking companies that transport goods locally, under the jurisdiction of the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). According to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 864,490 people worked in the General Freight Trucking category as of May 2010. The annual average wage for workers in this category was $41,150.

Its estimated number of employees is Unavailable. Its office number is (636) 671-0434. . Biller Hauling does not have a web site in our record.

You should talk to more trucking operators near House Springs, Missouri before choosing your Trucking Operator. Following are some trucking operators in the state of Missouri we pick for you based on your search preferences .

1. Hamilton Delivery Service, Paul Hamilton
Call Paul Hamilton now: (636) 464-1646
1752 Westview Dr Imperial, MO 63052-1574
Distance: 9.11 miles
(636) 464-1646
Imperial, MO
2. Rv Hauling Co, Ronald Vogler
Call Ronald Vogler now: (636) 464-7375
2112 Cook Rd Imperial, MO 63052-2200
Distance: 9.11 miles
(636) 464-7375
Imperial, MO
3. Tom Schaffer, Thomas Schaffer
Call Thomas Schaffer now: (636) 942-3752
2865 FRISCO HILL RD Imperial, MO 63052-2043
Distance: 9.11 miles
(636) 942-3752
Imperial, MO
4. D & N Hauling, N Garheauser
Call N Garheauser now: (636) 464-0175
10 Grandview Park Dr Arnold, MO 63010-3903
Distance: 10.39 miles
(636) 464-0175
Arnold, MO
5. Anchor Hauling Inc, Larry Richardson
Call Larry Richardson now: (636) 296-7648
2280 Sonora Dr Arnold, MO 63010-5219
Distance: 10.39 miles
(636) 296-7648
Arnold, MO

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